How to add Guake to the Unity top Bar?

I am using Guake in Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit ,is there any way i can put it on the Unity top Panel .

ubuntu 12.04 - 12.10

To add Guake to the Unity system-tray, you need to add it to the system-whitelist

enter image description here

Using dconf-editor (installed using the dconf-tools package), navigate as shown and add guake to the whitelist.

You then just start the app via guake & to make it appear in the system tray.

Make sure your guake properties (guake -p) has the system tray checkbox ticked:

enter image description here

13.10 and later

The ability to whitelist applications has been removed from Unity.

The argument the developers have is that applications should have been updated to support Ubuntu indicators.

There isnt a direct method to-do this without adding an additional PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gun101/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guake-indicator

Search for "Guake indicator" in the dash to start the app-indicator