Is there a special word for purposely misspelling a word? [duplicate]

I was thinking the other day about Kleenex, which is purposely misspelled from clean-ex, if that makes sense, and I was wondering if there was a word for purposely misspelling a word, or name.

Solution 1:

Deliberate misspelling of words is referred to as eye dialect. It means use of nonstandard spelling. Examples include enuff, goffik and wuz (for was). Another good self-explanatory term is chatspeak defined in the Urban Dictioanry as

Chatspeak, aka netspeak. This is a form of speech in which one shortens words and replaces the letter "s" with the letter "z" in an effort to save time and look cool. Chatspeakers also rarely use capitalization or correct punctuation.

As a general term I recommend heterography (cf. orthography).

OED: Spelling that differs from that which is correct according to current usage; ‘incorrect’ spelling.

Solution 2:

Although most dictionaries simply define it as bad spelling, other sources define cacography as deliberate misspelling, often for comic effect.