Error 500 ubuntu index.php setting

Looks like you have a couple of items to look at in the fullstack1.conf file:

  1. Your DocumentRoot should point to the directory that visitors to the site will start from which, based on the <Directory> entity, should be:

  2. The final slash in the <Directory> entity is unnecessary:

    <Directory /var/www/html/fullstack1/public>
  3. If you are running a modern version of Apache, these two lines can be removed from the <Directory> entity:

    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    These permission statements are now handled with the Require statements.

  4. If Apache does not know what to serve when people visit the bare domain, it will default to showing the directory structure or present an error. As you’re running a PHP-based site, you can add this line immediately after DocumentRoot:

    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm

    This will look first for index.php in the /public directory and fail first to index.html if the PHP file does not exist, then to index.htm.

Once these items are taken care of, restart (or reload) the Apache server:

sudo service apache2 restart

This should give you what you need 👍🏻