Solution 1:

I am not familiar with this application, but chances are that running the script will set up everything automatically for you. Drag the icon from within the Application Overview to the third position of the dock to add it as a favourite. You will then be able to run it using Super+3.

If after installation, the icon of the application does not appear in the Applications overview, then the script may not have (correctly) installed the application in the menu system. You can do so yourself by copying the .desktop launcher in your ~/.local/share/applications directory. Once placed there, it will be picked up in the applications overview.

If, after all of the above, the application still does not appear in the Application Overview, you will need to check and eventually edit the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications.

  • Exec= line should point to the actual file path of the executable
  • Icon= line should point to an actual .png or .xpm icon file. Better yet, copy the icon to ~/.local/share/icons. Then, you only need to specify the name of the graphics file, without file path and without extension, for it to be found.