Why is my S key intermittently typing ß inßtead of s <----See

MacBook (White) 2.4Ghz Intel Core Duo, 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, OS X 10.6.7

Keyboard language - Canadian English (have also tried US English). All other languages removed, computer language ENGLISH.

All keys type fine apart from the S key which frequently types a ß or when capitalized an Í. I am typing from a USB keyboard which types the S (s - see) fine no issues but as soon as I reach over and type on the laptop - ß there it is.

Have looked and Googled without help, I see a few others with the issue with no resolve. Ready to throw this computer out the window!

You can check to see what OS X thinks is happening when you press the key by opening the Keyboard Viewer applet.

First, go to Language and Text in System Preferences, to enable it: enable keyboard viewer

Then select 'Show Keyboard Viewer' from the Input Sources icon in the status bar.

Now, when you press the key, you can see which combination of keys OS X thinks is being pressed. You can use the keyboard viewer to enter text, too, in order to work around the problem:

Keyboard Viewer in action

You can confirm this way that it is indeed a hardware problem.

If wiggling an option key doesn't help, it may be symptomatic of a deeper problem with the keyboard. I've had similar things happen if the keyboard has recently been exposed to liquid, or if it has simply been bent (even slightly) one too many times and has ended up doing damage to all the connections for the keys.

I would not be surprise to see the problem progress; with luck, however, you will be able to continue to use a USB keyboard to get around the problem for some time. I've had previous laptops that would do repeating characters at random, even with a USB keyboard, which rendered the device inoperable until the keyboard was replaced.

My 2010 13" White MacBook Unibody keyboard did the same thing. I tried all software tweaks but did not work for me. I decided to buy a new keyboard. I installed it but it did the same thing. So I realized that it could not be the keyboard. I checked the logic board very carefully and found out that some someone had spilled hot chocolate on my macbook.

It had gone down the key 6,7, T, Y, U, G, H, J, K, V, B, N, and M and through the touchpad. A drip was on one of the tiny component next to the Keyboard flex connection. It was the same thing that had gone in the keyboard. I cleaned with 91% isopropyl alcohol and blow dried with a hair dryer and also with compressed. I lifted the keys that had got soiled by the chocolate. I took out one of the scissors but that is not necessary because I could clean the other scissors thoroughly while still on the assembly. I took cotton swabs and lightly dipped on that alcohol I mentioned and dried them. I washed the keys I had plucked from the keyboard with warm water to get all the stains out. After drying them well I assembled them and turned on the computer. In fact, this is the same keyboard I am typing from. I think you all can try this. I was absolutely lucky because the chocolate did not ruin anything. The liquid sensors on the touchpad and the keyboard had turned red which means the liquid had come through. Anyway, if you are careful you can do like what I did. Keep the screws well marked so they don't get lost or not to have extra screws once you close your computer.

Now I have a working computer back again and an extra keyboard I can sell back on eBay or amazon. If you need the keyboard let me know. By the way my macbook model number is A1342. It's a 2010 Model. The cheapest one goes for $150 on eBay.

~1234567890-= QWERTYUIOP{}| ASDFGHJKL:" ZXCVBNM<>? üé

All of the keys including the functions keys work 100%

Enjoy life and help everyone while you can.