Google Chrome aborting after start on 21.04 with Budgie desktop - no GUI error messages

Chromium runs perfectly, but google-chrome fails with no error message. Window freezes and disappears after 5 seconds. I'm using the latest version of Chrome.

On staring google-chrome from terminal, I get the following:

nick@mars:~$ google-chrome
[1114/] no stack mapping
[1114/] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq: No such file or directory (2)
[1114/] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: No such file or directory (2)
[5834:6092:1114/] Checking Bluetooth availability started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[5834:6092:1114/] Checking Bluetooth availability ended.
[5834:6092:1114/] Checking default browser status started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[5834:6092:1114/] Checking default browser status ended.
Bus error (core dumped)

I contacted Google One support, but they are not being helpful. They blame Ubuntu updates without any specific investigation.

Grateful for any advice / suggestions!


This was solved with version 96.0.4664.45-1 of google chrome stable released today.