How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid?

I would suggest you to remove the current code from loadComplete to custom formatter. Using of custom formatters, cellattr or rowattr in combination with gridview: true is the most effective way to fill the grid. See the answer for more details.

You can change the definition of 'cfgName' column to the following:

{name: 'cfgName', width: 80, classes: "myLink",
    formatter: function (cellValue, options, rowObject) {
        var converted = rowObject.converted === undefined ?
                $(rowObject).find(">converted").text(): rowObject.converted,
            updateDate = rowObject.updateDate === undefined ?
                $(rowObject).find(">updateDate").text(): rowObject.updateDate;
        return (isAlertedDate(updateDate) ? iconAlert: "") +
            (converted === "yes" ? convertIcon : "") +
            "<span>" + cellValue + "</span>";
    cellattr: function () {
        return " title=\"Click here to go to ViewAllPage\"";

You can use use your current diffOf2Dates function inside of the implementation of isAlertedDate. Moreover I suggest don't use links (<a>) at all to make the code more easy. Instead of that I use classes: "myLink" and I defined the following CSS

.myLink { text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }

The resulting grid will look exactly as before:

enter image description here

To execute some JavaScript code on click on the link (and even on click in the cell with the link) one can use beforeSelectRow or onCellSelect callback. For example

beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) {
    var iCol = $.jgrid.getCellIndex($("td")[0]);
    if (this.p.colModel[iCol].name === 'cfgName') {
        return false;

You can see what I mean on the demo.