Setting a mixed-case volume label for a FAT32 drive on Windows

When I try to set the volume label for my FAT32 USB drive the normal way (using Windows Explorer or Disk Management), the filesystem just makes the label uppercase when applying it.

Is it possible at all to set a mixed-case volume label on the drive on Windows? I know there may be no real reason for me to do that, but I'd really like to know.

Solution 1:

From the Windows XP Documentation:

For FAT volumes, volume labels are stored as uppercase regardless of whether they contain lowercase letters. NTFS volume labels retain and display the case used when the label was created.

Solution 2:

Windows will not label a FAT32 disk in mixed case, even though the spec supports it. Other utilities may be able to set it, but I don't know of any off the top of my head.

Also, it's possible to create a file in the root of the file system, then set the "ATTR_VOLUME_ID" attribute (not available through explorer) and that file's name will show as the label of the file system. But again, I don't know any utilities that would make this easy.

Solution 3:

FAT is not case sensitive, and doesn't preserve file case (except in long filenames). This applies to the label too.

POSSIBLY DANGEROUS FOR NEWBIES: You could try a hex editor, but I'm not sure if the case changes will stay for long. (Don't forget to reconnect the drive after editing).

Solution 4:

create an autorun.inf file on the device and enter the following code

label=[whatever you like here exactly how you want it]

dismount and remount and voila! there ya go!

No need for hex editors and all that BS.