How to download all dependencies and packages to directory

I'm trying to install a package on a machine with no Internet connection. What I want to do is download all the packages and dependences on a machine WITH an Internet connection and then sneaker-net everything to the offline computer.

I've been playing with the apt-get and apt-cache but I haven't figured out a quick and easy way to download the package and dependencies in one swoop to a directory of my choosing. How would I do this? Am I going about this problem correctly? How would you install offline packages that have a lot of dependencies?

Solution 1:

The marked answer has the problem that the available packages on the machine that is doing the downloads might be different from the target machine, and thus the package set might be incomplete.

To avoid this and get all dependencies, use the following:

apt-get download $(apt-rdepends <package>|grep -v "^ ")

Some packages returned from apt-rdepends don't exist with the exact name for apt-get download to download (for example, libc-dev). In those cases, filter out those exact names (be sure to use ^<NAME>$ so that other related names, for example libc-dev-bin, that do exist are not skipped).

apt-get download $(apt-rdepends <package>|grep -v "^ " |grep -v "^libc-dev$")

Once downloaded, you can move the .deb files to a machine without Internet and install them:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Solution 2:

Same question already answered here: How to list/download the recursive dependencies of a debian package?


PACKAGES="wget unzip"
apt-get download $(apt-cache depends --recurse --no-recommends --no-suggests \
  --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances \
  --no-pre-depends ${PACKAGES} | grep "^\w")