How to set up a working VPN?

I've tried to set up a VPN server on my copy of Ubuntu 10.10 with insuccess. Community material on the topic is little and poorly documented (clients only information, scenario-specific information, WIP pages, ...)

What I need in specific is tunnelling of traffic over HTTPS to go around a proxy server that only allows HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

What I did try is following this guide. I've gone through each step (here are my config files), set up an account through, set up port forwarding and set up a VPN on my copy of Windows 7:

  • Endpoint: redacted
  • Username: badp (I also tried delta)
  • Password: redacted

I've also turned on logging on the Windows 7 side of things and attempted to connect from an unfiltered location. From the logs, it seems like the connection is dropped right after authentication takes place.

Where did I go wrong? Was there a guide on the Ubuntu official resources I could've tried instead?

Solution 1:

Why not just use OpenVPN? It's very easy both on Windows and Linux.

Solution 2:

Here's a straightforward guide: but it doesn't cover tunneling it over http/https

another solution is here: this maps EXACTLY to what you are trying to do.

I prefer openswan since openvpn is client number limited now

if the auth is succeeding but the tunnel isn't formed this usually means the two end-points can't agree on tunnel mode and/or crypto system. another possibility is a routing problem where the near and far networks are on the same private subnet and your traffic gets dropped because it doesn't know to transit the vpn link.