How can I restore Ubuntu Terminal and many other software after removing python? [duplicate]

So, I was trying to uninstall python from my ubuntu 20.04 So, I typed the following command

sudo apt-get remove python3

and it deleted Terminal and much other software. How can undo this?

Best and recommended way is to backup /home and reinstall latest version of ubuntu or LTS release

If you wana try some things

This issue is already solved here (Exactly here )

As the answers state

First open a tty

ctrl + alt + f5

Login with your sudo account

Then run the following commands

sudo apt install *python3-all*
# downloads all python 3 things again 

sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop^
# Downloads all the *default* softwares back

sudo apt-get update
# update

sudo apt-get upgrade
# upgrade

sudo apt install gnome-terminal
# Get the default gui terminal back

sudo apt install gnome-software
# Get the software app back