How to launch PWAs from the terminal (Microsoft Edge Apps / Chromium Apps)

I have websites such as Notion, Outlook, and Onedrive installed as Apps through the edge browser. I wanted to know if they can be launched using a command in the terminal.

I've used the following command to get the window class string

$ xprop -notype | grep -Eo '^(WM_CLASS|_NET_WM_NAME) = "[^"]*"'

which returns this for Notion:

_NET_WM_NAME = "Action Zone"
WM_CLASS = "crx__meenihjdjcobmkkapcdapdakmpbfpjeo"

And this for a normal edge tab:

_NET_WM_NAME = "New tab and 13 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge"
WM_CLASS = "microsoft-edge"

Now, while the command microsoft-edge can be used in the terminal to launch it, crx__meenihjdjcobmkkapcdapdakmpbfpjeo cannot. What do i need to do instead?

Solution 1:

I found out how to get this to work, for those wondering i'll post the solution below.

To find out which command you need, just

Navigate in edge to edge://apps/

  1. Right click on the desired app and select "Create Shortcuts"
  2. Create a shortcut to the desktop
  3. Open the shortcut using a text editor and extract the command. (Exec)

Now, using this command, you can execute the app directly from the terminal In my case I can do it by issuing the following command:

/opt/microsoft/msedge/microsoft-edge --profile-directory=Default --app-id=meenihjdjcobmkkapcdapdakmpbfpjeo --app-url=