Install x64(64-bit) and x86(32-bit) Microsoft Office on same pc?

Can I have both versions of Microsoft Office on same Windows? for example, Office 2007 (32-bit) and Office 2013 (64-bit).

On (the worst forum ever seen in my life) it was said, that's not possible.

Any ways?

Solution 1:

The official line by Microsoft is that this is not possible. The real answer is that it's possible but a bit complicated.

The simple solution is to install one of the versions in a virtual machine, which might be too heavy.

In the article Installing 32bit and 64bit Office versions together, the author was in contact with a Microsoft developer who gave the following rules for the installation of multiple Office installations:

  • Install the 64 bit versions first, from oldest to newest
  • Then install any 32 bit versions, again in order of oldest to newest
  • Do not try and install 32 and 64 bit versions of the same Office version (for example one should be version 2016 and the other 2013)
  • Only have one version of Outlook installed.

If one of the versions refuses to activate, use the following commands:

cd  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office{number}"
cscript ospp.vbs /act

This article dates from 2013 and relates to Office 2013, so the solution has still to be tested with the latest Office version.