How to see com1 communication in Ubuntu 20.04 like in window Hyperterminal

In Windows I can use Window HypterTerminal message sent from COM1. In that I can mention baudrate, Data bits, parity,stop bits,flow control and then able to see message sent by external device in the hyper terminal in my windows computer. enter image description here I would like to do be able to see same in my ubuntu system. Is there any command or tool that I can use where I can set these values and see the COM1 messages?

To start using serial ports you have to put your user into dialout group by

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

There are many serial port terminal applications in Ubuntu repository. I prefer CuteCom. It is installable by

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cutecom

Then you have to open it and press Settings button to set the options:


hide settings by ^ button and finally open port by click on Open button.