Techniques to deal with game 'addiction' [closed]

Rather than limit the time you spend on any one gaming session - because there's always the temptation for "just one more hand"/"just five more minutes"/"just one more level"/etc. - take a decision not to play at all one (or more) day/evening a week.

Do something out of the house - like going to a movie or the theatre - so you're not tempted. But if that's not an option just read a book or rent a movie. Invite some friends (or even work colleagues) over.

I find if you force yourself to play less than you want it will only increase the itch to play. Instead of not letting myself play enough I do the opposite - play till overdose. After that interest in this game drops and it becomes nothing special, just like the rest.

So if you have a new game that you can't stop playing (but want to), find yourself a free day and dedicate it to gaming only and play for as long as you physically can, and then some more. You will burn all the excessive interest.

Maybe a bit extreme solution, but works for me.