Please suggest me best linux distro according to my PC specs [duplicate]

Solution 1:

So It just depends on you what you want, I can only suggest because your system specs are OK, You can have any type of ubuntu flavour you want, Let me give you a brief Idea

You can find alternatives of ubuntu I.e ubuntu flavours here


A good Linux distro, If your PC isn't much good in specs then Lubuntu can help you to get maximum performance even from an ultra potato PC, It also offers an OK GUI, It also comes with a handful of apps and stuff, So I guess it would be good for you PC specs,

Official page of Lubuntu

Wikipedia Page of Lubuntu


Good for performance with very minimal memory usage, This is what is good and recommend for your PC.

It would be good in this case as you are not on a bad PC, It is just normal. Lubuntu is designed for a very minimal thing. But Xubuntu can help you as it is for the average PC and works well even with very good PCs


Good for a beautiful GUI, It may cut off some performance but is beautiful. But as your specs it will not give much performance, So it's not for heavy use as per your specs but it is good if you are a GUI lover

More info can be found at

Ubuntu Vanilla

Good but I don't recommend it for your specs, Don't install it.

I cannot tell you everything all about distros but you need to check out more about them yourself


It depends on your admiring, every distribution is good, but I would personally recommend Xubuntu for you.

There are many other distros too, check out Gentoo, mint, kali or Garuda, All these are just the best in their forms

"Every Distribution has its abilities"

Your specs are good enough to use any of them, So go ahead and pick one today.