How to record human voice and display as text on command line?

I am looking tool or a script that records human voice and displays as text purely on command line.

I am not looking for text to speech, but rather speech to text.

I do not want to work at all with a UI; all command line.


I am actually saying to record voice (speech) and displays on terminal.

Say my command is 'speak'

then when i do

$ speak

now whatever i speak is supposed to be printed like this.

say i speak. "I am application to record your voice and displays on the terminal"

should be visible as this :

I am application to record your voice and displays on the terminal

It should again wait for new words and print on the go.

Very similar as google does (BUT i want the same on command line) :

You can consider the same as VICE-VERCA of say command. say is text-to-speech but here i want speech-to-text

Solution 1:

Apple's terminal does this.

Press the function key twice to start dictation. If that doesn't work, open Speech and Dictation system preferences and enable it/select the sound input you prefer to dictate to.