Ubuntu does not access NVIDIA GPU


  • boot into Windows
  • open the Power control panel
  • choose change what the power buttons do
  • choose change options that are unavailable
  • uncheck fast startup
  • close the Power control panel
  • open an administrative command prompt window
  • type powercfg /h off
  • type chkdsk /f c:
  • approve to run chkdsk at next reboot
  • reboot into Windows to let chkdsk run on drive C:

Secure Boot

Disable Secure Boot in your BIOS.


On the chance that you installed the Nvidia driver from the Nvidia site, we'll purge it and reinstall it.

At the login screen, select your username, then click the icon in the lower-right of the screen, and select "Ubuntu on xorg/X11". Enter your password to continue logging in.

Then go to Additional Drivers tab and select the nouveau driver, reboot, and see if the Nvidia card is at least working.

Then we'll purge all of the Nvidia software, and reinstall from the Additional Drivers tab. To check if any Nvidia stuff is still there, before reinstalling it, do dpkg -l *nvidia*. All entries should show as un for uninstalled.

Then reboot. Start the Nvidia application. In the terminal type nvidia-smi.