im using dell inspiron 11 3179 and dual booting linux, but it doesnt matter the problem is the keyboard shortcut, so im playing minecraft on my linux. in minecraft the key to open debug screen is f3, but in this laptop the f3 is for volume up. in windows it doesnt effecting the game cause you need to press ctrl or fn key(mine use the ctrl) to use the f"number" shortcut. but linux has a different way to do it, cause you only need to press the f3 only and the volume is rising. at first i think this is cool, but when i played minecraft i cant use the button cause it used to rise the volume, and i dont know how to fix this pls someone who knows something, can you help me?. sorry for my english, thanks

Solution 1:

You are using a laptop. Your laptop is configured to access the function keys when pressing the Fn key. Thus, hit Fn+F3 to issue an F3 keypress instead of increasing the volume.

You can change this behavior in your computer BIOS. See the manual of your model to learn how to boot into BIOS. After the change, you will need to hit Fn+F3 to change the volume.

On some laptops, notably also Dell, that behavior can be switched by hitting Fn+Esc. The change is in effect for the current session only, and will be reset to the BIOS default on next boot.