Speeding up Tomcat in debug mode with Eclipse IDE

I've gotten through the issue! Once I figured it out, I remember that this has happened before. I cleared all my breakpoints and it works fine. I have no idea why that would cause the outcome that is does, but it works.

I just ran into this problem myself, and this solution helped me out. However - I only had 1 breakpoint, rather than the 20+ of other posters. My one breakpoint, however, was a method breakpoint and not a line breakpoint - I wonder if the multitude of method calls at tomcat startup combined with the method breakpoint could be causing this problem... I just tried a small experiment:

  1. Setting a line breakpoint and starting debug mode - 5 second startup (normal)
  2. Setting a method breakpoint and starting debug mode - ..... not willing to wait (> 90 seconds).

I'm guessing this is the problem.

I too stumbled upon this issue.

I closed all the irrelevant projects. Cleared out my breakpoints. Increased STS VM memory. Follow this blog: http://searchforsolutions.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/eclipse-jvm-settings-for-optimized-performance/ Disabled the JBoss tool validators and all other validators.

Now STS works like a charm!