The idea here is to see that the set of finite sequences is dense in $l^p$ (for $p < \infty$)

So we will approach $x$ by the sequence $x^{(n)}$, with $x^{(n)}_i = x_i$ if $i\leq n$ and $x^{(n)}_i = 0$ if $i > n$

This gives you

$$\| x- x^{(n)} \|_p^p = \sum_{k>n} |x_k|^p$$

As the serie $\sum |x_k|^p$ converge, the tail converge to zero, so you have

$$\| x- x^{(n)} \|_p^p \to 0$$

The second step is to approximate each $x^{(n)}$ by elements of a countable subset. If it's $l^p(\mathbb{R})$, the set of the finite sequences at value in $\mathbb{Q}$ works well:

  • it's countable, because it's the countable union of countable sets
  • the $x^{(n)}_i$ can be uniformly approximated by a sequence $(y^{(n,i)}_{k})_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$ of rationals, so each $x^{(n)}$ can be approximated by a sequence of sequences $y^{(n)}$ such that $y^{(n)}_i=y^{(n,i)} $


$$\|x- y^{(n,i)} \| \leq \underbrace{\|x- x^{(n)} \|}_{\to 0}+ \underbrace{\| x^{(n)}-y^{(n,i)} \|}_{\to 0} $$

and you have the density.