Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android [closed]

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android?

I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across and a friend of mine suggested me to use GreenDAO. So looking for some knowledge resource which can help me in Decision Making?

Features I am looking to judge are freely available (open source), good documentation, active forums, stable version available, etc, which ever required for developer.

I would suggest ORMlite its open source freeware & has good documentation also it support java as well as android.

It has good developer support & many application running on ORMlite (Including I have developed :) ).

check this comparison of ORMLite & Green DAO for your referance.

A difference between ORMLite and GreenDAO is the usage of annotations. While ORMLite uses Annotations, GreenDAO does not, as described here.

Annotations used by ORMLite rely on reflection, which might impact performance especially on slower Android devices in a negative way. Would be interesting to see benchmarks comparing ORMLite and GreenDAO.