How to access Alt-Gr in Windows mode in a Kinesis Advantage keyboard?

I had a similar problem: I wanted to remap AltGr to a foot pedal and then have the upper thumb key row as Ctrl, Alt, Alt, Ctrl just like in the US layout. I also encountered the issue that during remapping mode, we're in the default win thumbkey layout and thus the AltGr key's action is Win/Super and not AltGr.

I've contacted the Kinesis support, and the good news is that AltGr ([ralt]) is also bound to F2 in the keypad layer, and there you can easily select the source action from.

I don't know why the Kinesis support gave you a different answer. Possibly, that's a feature only applicable to the current Advantage 2 series.

I talked to Kinesis support which was amazing, way beyond anything I expected, specially since I bought my three keyboards about 10 years ago and they are now discontinued.

What I've learn though was that Alt-Gr is not available on Windows mode and on non-Windows PC mode it cannot be remapped to another key because it's special. This means that the only way to get access to Alt-Gr is in PC mode and on that key. They also confirmed this is the case for their new Kinesis Advantage 2.