How to stop Windows creating unknown alphanumeric folders in my external drive?

I posted similar question and accepted an answer as Visual Studio installation can left behind these files as documented but there is more to it.

I haven't installed any Microsoft product but I keep getting more and more of these alphanumeric folders which are all empty on almost daily basis. I can't just delete them every day, it is hard to locate my own folders in the jungle of folders it creates.

How can I stop Windows from creating these folders or more precisely to make it delete them when its done with them?

enter image description here

Finding root cause

  1. Run a file system monitor tool (e.g. ProcMon) and wait for folder to appear. Make sure to run it as administrator to capture more details (right click -> "Run as Administrator"). In case of ProcMon, enable only "Show file system activity", and disable others (registry, network, etc). enter image description here
  2. Once folder appears, search the folder name in ProcExp to see which process created it.
  3. After finding out the process name, double click on it, to see details. enter image description here

Possible causes

  1. Misconfigured software - try to remove/disable or reinstall the software, or configure the software itself. This is wast case, purely depends on the software, can vary from reverting last OS update to configuring services/tasks. (Will give hints once you tell exact process name)
  2. Malware - then scan that process file(s) with antivirus software. If there is no antivirus software installed, try online ones like VirusTotal (which scans file with 50+ different antivirus software at once).
  3. Software bug - try to report to software company.

These steps at least will give you universal starting point for investigation. (Will update answer once you give more info - like process name).

Fallback solution

Here is a fallback workaround (if its a bug and software developers don't seem to fix it). It will remove top-level empty folders in the specified path.
1. Create a text file with following contents, name it removeEmptyFolders.bat

set PATH=f:\*
for /d %%1 in (*) do rd "%%1"

2. Run it to remove those folders at once. Or, put it on Windows program auto-start location, as described here. Then it will automatically remove empty folders after each restart.

Note: Make sure to test it first on other folder, by giving other PATH.