Roll back to stable version Lubuntu LXQt
I use this commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pcmanfm-qt
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge
to update my LXQt desktop and PCManFM-qt but everything went wrong. Please help me to get back to the same stable version.
Stable versions:
LXQt: 0.14
PCManFM-qt: 0.14
LXQt: 0.16
PCManFM-qt: 0.17
In case your terminal does not work, open a virtual terminal with ctrl + alt + F3
, and login.
First install ppa-purge, and purge this ppa.
sudo apt install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed
This should revert back the packages to the versions available in the repositories.
Just to ensure that all the required packages are there, you can run the following command.
sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop