AngularJS-Twig conflict with double curly braces

As you know, both angular and twig has common control construction - double curly braces. How can I change default value of Angular?

I know that I can do it in Twig, but in some projects I can't, only JS.

You can change the start and end interpolation tags using interpolateProvider service. One convenient place for this is at the module initialization time.

angular.module('myApp', []).config(function($interpolateProvider){

This question appears answered, but a more elegant solution that hasn't been mentioned is to simply enclose the curly braces in quote marks between the twig curly braces, like so:

{{ '{{myModelName}}' }}

If you are using a variable for the contents, do this instead:

{{ '{{' ~ yourvariable ~ '}}' }}

You should use single quotes, not double quotes. Double quotes enable string interpolation by Twig so you have to be more careful with the contents, especially if you are using expressions.

If you still hate seeing all those curly braces, you can also create a simple macro to automate the process:

{% macro curly(contents) %}
   {{ '{{' ~ contents ~ '}}' }}
{% endmacro %}

Save it as a file and import it into your template. I am using ng for the name because it is short and sweet.

{% import "forms.html" as ng %}

Or you can put the macro at the top of your template and import it as _self (see here):

{% import _self as ng %}

Then use it as follows:

{{ ng.curly('myModelName') }}

This outputs:


...and a follow up for those that use MtHaml alongside Twig. MtHaml enables the use of AngularJS curlies in the normal manner because any Twig code is accessed though - and = instead of {{ }}. For example:

Plain HTML + AngularJS:

<tr ng-repeat="product in products">
   <td> {{ }} </td>

MtHaml + AngularJS:

%tr(ng-repeat="product in products")
   %td {{ }}

MtHaml + AngularJS with MtHaml-style Twig:

- set twigVariable = "somevalue"
= twigVariable
%tr(ng-repeat="product in products")
   %td {{ }}

As mentioned in similar question about Django and AngularJS, trick with changing default symbols (in Twig or AngularJS) can provide incompatibility with third-party software, which will use these symbols. So best advice I found in google:

TwigBundle does not provide a configuration for the lexer delimiters as changing them would forbid you to use any templates provided by shared bundles (including the exception templates provided by TwigBundle itself).

However, you could use the raw tag around your angular templates to avoid the pain of escaping all curly braces: -- Christophe | Stof

Tag was renamed to verbatim