What is the maximum EU per tick you can generate with a 6 Chambered Nuclear Reactor using only a Mark I setup?

Solution 1:

After a number of hours that I'd rather not disclose, I put this together;

Note, the single Component Heat Exchanger is important. Active output is 420 EU/t, and it will run for 2 hours 46 minutes and 40 seconds, totaling at 84 million EU.

Solution 2:

The design shown below produces a signifigant 320 eu\t but this is the design given at the wiki. I'm sure there must be a better one.

320 eu\t Mark I Reactor Design

Solution 3:

Note that efficiency (EU/rod) and throughout (EU/t) are not related. A high throughput reactor is not necessarily efficient.

This answer considers efficiency as total EU/rod, which is what the reactor planner app defines as efficiency.

One very efficient design is this:

enter image description here


It has an efficiency factor of 7, or 14mEU / rod (throughput: 140 EU/t). (*)

In comparison,

  • the reactor described in this answer has an efficiency factor of 3, or 6mEU / rod, erp=ALnWlTRUJODL7ZAYrnsf8uA1WVN+yeK6PmbdRxXRnNrJh+YZfH3jvU17wQa2ZQ68AQ==
  • the reactor described in this answer has an efficiency factor of 4, or 8mEU / rod, erp=Bc60qaKgv7r2Fa/BvWsFmfkgymWh0iBhhdK96oyrNV1x+Tku3S42XKJbutYr+E48AQ==

In general, reflectors increase efficiency, cells increase throughout. Both increase heat.

(*) It does require 16 iridium, which is a pain to get

Note that this is can be further simplified in terms of resources required as follows: erp=AXOtKmioL/A1q7Cqc3DRQZUfu1/3uVGMlrNLEDNT/1Irvjy76Pn+56FPmE26pIQB