How partition works with files?

I'm new to ubuntu.. I didn't find a better title but that's the context :

now in windows for example if i created 5 partition it will take names like E:, C:, D: etc and every partiton will store the files i put in, but in linux i can't locate the partitions.. all my files, folders is in a slash, /etc, /home etc, and the partition are actually files in /dev/sda* and if i created a partition it will create a file like that, also i can't cat /dev/sda1 so can anyone explain how this works?


There are two ways that I know of.

Option 1:


It is a simple utility that shows just disks and their partition.

Option 2:

sudo fdisk -l

fdisk is an utility that manipulates partition table. It is more comprehensible than lsblk and shows additional information such as type of filesystem, disk model, boot partition.