Wifi doesn’t work after switching providers

I change internet provider to Bell and after it, all computers and phones are run no problem, except dell laptop Latitude E6440 with OS Ubuntu 21.04.

  1. firefox cannot open amy websites
  2. my wifi signal symbol on top of the bar shows question mark “?” On top of the rainbow wifi signal.

Wireless adaptor is Centrino Advance -N 6235 if it useful

NDLcideCH; i went into router setting. Both mac and ip address correct. Other devices have own/different ip addresses. I switched from dynamic to reserved as you suggested. See photo. Still do not have wifi. Or how do i do what you have suggested?enter image description here

Try this

Go to your Ubuntu Dell computer's Settings > WiFi as shown below:

enter image description here

The top entry with a check mark should be your new WiFi access point. Click on the "Gears" button next to it to get to the WiFi settings.

Then verify the Details tab as shown above. The IPv4 address should be what you have set in the router as reserved and as shown in the picture in the question.

The Default Route and the DNS should be the IP address of the router. I assume it is If this is not the IP address of the new router, then go to the next step.

Click on the IPv4 tab circled in the picture above. You should see something like this:

enter image description here

Make sure:

  • IPv4 Method is set to Automatic (DHCP and
  • DNS is set to Automatic.

If this does not solve the problem, update your question with the Default Route to the new router and other settings you currently have.

Hope this helps