Late 2011 13" MacBook Pro doesn't detect external monitor anymore on Mavericks

Solution 1:

Seeing that this question has become popular, I will tell you how I resolved the issue...

I was using a fake adaptor, but it worked with Mac OS X flawlessly for two years. Strangely, it only works now when booting with other systems (like xubuntu live cd).

What I did to solve it was buying an original adapter from Apple.. I hope it will last until my Macbook becomes useless..

Solution 2:

Open the ColorSync Utility app (in your Utility folder)

Look in it for your external monitor.

If it is there reset the profile to factory setting.

  • Here are your 2 displays

    Jun 29 21:40:33 MacBook-Pro-de-yourName.local WindowServer[131]: Display 0x042732c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, “HP 23xi"}

    Jun 29 21:40:44 MacBook-Pro-de-yourNmae.local WindowSe rver[131]: Display 0x042732c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, “Color LCD"}

The below has nothing to do with your monitor but I found the problems in your log, so if you care to fix those as well: :)

  • You should Disable the Clean My Mac (it is know to cause all kind of trouble).

Google Auto Update

  • Your Google auto-update is not working well, either fix it or disable it.

Instructions here:

Jun 29 22:12:04 MacBook-Pro-de-yourMac.local GoogleSo ftwareUpdateDaemon[1436]: -[KSUpdateEngine updateProductID:] KSUpdateEngine updatingproduct ID:”"
  • SMC Errors

You have few SMC errors.


Jun 30 07:51:58 localhost kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key LsNM(kSMCKeyNotFound)

Did you install any programs that can allow you to manually control your hardware like SMCFanControl?

In any case it is recommended to reset your SMC, and uninstall 3d party software.

Back to Monitor:

Your system has a problem indemnifying the correct monitor, and setting the correct profile for it. As of now I do not know why.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem and I used gfxCardStatus v2.3 to switch to Discrete only graphics card and now it works.