How do I remove Onedrive from file path on Windows 10

I just removed onedrive (and unlinked my pc/account) from my computer however there is still a really irritating thing that I cant seem to remove and that is Onedrive is (still) in the path of my files (ex: Documents)


Is there any way to remove this? Do I maybe need to reinstall Onedrive and do something in the settings?

Kind regards.

Solution 1:

How do I remove Onedrive from file path - Windows 10 Try this method Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command. Type regedit, and click OK to open the registry. Browse the following path: ... Select the {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} key, and on the right side, double-click the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree DWORD. Change the DWORD value from 1 to 0.

also read this link