How to run a script as root on startup - Ubuntu 20.4? [duplicate]

How can I run scripts automatically when Ubuntu starts up so I don't have to run them manually after startup?

Solution 1:

One approach is to add an @reboot cron task:

  1. Running crontab -e will allow you to edit your cron.
  2. Adding a line like this to it:

    @reboot /path/to/script

    will execute that script once your computer boots up.

Solution 2:

Depending on what sort of scripts you need to run.. For services and the like you should use upstart. But for a user script these should be launched as session scripts by gnome! Have a look under System > Preferences > Startup Applications.

On a side note if you need some scripts to be run on terminal login you can add them to the .bash_login file in your home directory.

For 14.04 and older

A simple command (one which doesn't need to remain running) could use an Upstart job like:

start on startup
exec /path/to/command

Save this in a .conf file in /etc/init (if you need it to run as root when the system boots up), or in ~/.config/upstart (if you need it to run as your user when you log in).