What are the commands to see and edit the user's information? after to use adduser [duplicate]

I read these tutorials:

  • How to create a user account on Ubuntu Linux
  • How to Add and Delete Users on Ubuntu 18.04

When is used the adduser command appears in the process:

Changing the user information for username
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Full Name []: 
    Room Number []: 
    Work Phone []: 
    Home Phone []: 
    Other []: 
Is the information correct? [Y/n] 

For obvious reasons is possible leave empty or write outdated data, so, the reason of this post:

  • What are the commands to see and edit the user's information?

About the "see" approach should show again the same structure

    Full Name []: 
    Room Number []: 
    Work Phone []: 
    Home Phone []: 
    Other []: 

Of course, showing the data according with either the data created or the latest data update to know what is correct or not.

Solution 1:

Read man chsh chfn getent;man 5 passwd. The first two change the shell and the full name, the third retrieves a user's info. The fourth explains the fields. getent, along with | cut -d: -f# can easily extract individual fields. Read man cut.