/dev/shm is full at 100% use, but has no large files

I recently updated to Ubuntu 20.04.3 (kernel 5.11.0-34-generic #36~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP), so this may be a bug. After a few hours of use the shared memory partition fills up. According to df, partition /dev/shm has 16G of data in it:

Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                       16G   16G     0 100% /dev/shm

Trying to write a new file to that partition fails:

$ echo "foobar" > /dev/shm/foobar.txt
bash: echo: write error: No space left on device

However, when I look at the files in that partition, the files only use around 170K:

$ du -h /dev/shm/*
0   /dev/shm/foobar.txt
4.0K    /dev/shm/sem.CiscoAcMemoryLock
4.0K    /dev/shm/sem.CiscoAcNamedEventNVM
4.0K    /dev/shm/sem.CiscoAcNamedEventOpenDNS
4.0K    /dev/shm/sem.CiscoAcNamedEventPostureISE
156K    /dev/shm/tmp

I notice this happening because google-chrome dumps core, and I can't restart Chrome until there is space in /dev/shm, and the only I've found to way to get the memory back is reboot.

How can I find out what is using space in /dev/shm?

Solution 1:

Files exist on a filesystem as long as they still have a directory entry or are being kept open by a current process. Running du -h /dev/shm/ (adding the * excludes files beginning with .) will only show the former.

You also need to run sudo lsof /dev/shm, which shows the currently open files on that filesystem.

For example:

QtWebEngi 654092 user  DEL    REG   0,31          2610 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.eAzBpJ
QtWebEngi 654092 user  DEL    REG   0,31          2613 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.eY7oKn
QtWebEngi 654092 user  DEL    REG   0,31          2624 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.zuBEOF
QtWebEngi 654092 user   22u   REG   0,31      144 2610 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.eAzBpJ (deleted)
QtWebEngi 654092 user   29u   REG   0,31      144 2613 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.eY7oKn (deleted)
QtWebEngi 654092 user   46r   REG   0,31  1048576 2624 /dev/shm/.org.chromium.Chromium.zuBEOF (deleted)

Lines that end with (deleted) won't be found by du, but will still take up space as long as any process is holding on to that file.