Disable storage of invisible files "._" on my cfs or smb network storage

Solution 1:

I will admit, I hadn't noticed that the defaults write command stopped working in Mavericks. However, when I DO clean network mounts, instead of your one liner find and rm, I use this:

dot_clean .

The manfile explains:

dot_clean -- Merge ._* files with corresponding native files.

I don't use the -m flag, but you may find it helpful in your situation.

-m      Always delete dot underbar files.

Here is another person actively trying to stop .DS_Store files from being created: http://www.aorensoftware.com/blog/2011/12/24/death-to-ds_store/ - looks like he doesn't want them on drives as much as he doesn't want them on the network!

Solution 2:

Just tried, and this does work in Mavericks (at least for disabling .DS_Store not network shares):

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true

You just need to remember to restart Finder as well:

killall Finder