Can't remove vysor language updates from `apt-get update`

I have removed the package vysor in every possible way on ubuntu using

  • sudo apt-get remove vysor
  • sudo apt-get purge vysor and sudo apt-get --purge vysor and sudo apt-get --purge autoremove
  • sudo snap remove vysor
  • I see nothing after dpkg --list | grep vysor* but whenever I run sudo apt-get update the languages updates with Ign:23 ./ Translation-en always wastes my 10 seconds.

enter image description here

How can I get rid of this?

The installation instructions on the website cause a vysor.list file to be added in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. The list file contains a link to the vysor repository. Although you have removed the package itself, the .list file is still there and will be consulted by apt every time you look for updates. Of course, no relevant update is found.

The way to avoid the .list file being read is to remove it. Another way would be to rename it to something like in case you change your mind, as only files with the .list extension are read.

Sensible uninstall instructions would include this bit of information.