ssh into ubuntu server gives "bash: warning: shell level (1000) too high, resetting to 1" every time

I have a machine set up that runs Ubuntu Desktop. I use it as a server mostly so most of the time I just ssh into it. Recently after running a docker gaming server, when I ssh into my machine, this message pops up every time

bash: warning: shell level (1000) too high, resetting to 1

and it seems to be accurate becasue if I "Ctrl+C" then I get my CLI but in order to close the connection, I have to use ~. because using "exit" just shows another line. Why am I stuck in an ssh loop? I am sshing in to Ubuntu 20.04 from windows 10

Solution 1:

newgrp starts a new shell (which sources ~/.bashrc, which calls newgrp), and around we go.

An easier way to add oneself to the docker group is:

sudo adduser $USER docker

Which will take effect at your next login.