Node.js "FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory" -- possible to get a stack trace?

Just because this is the top answer on Google at the moment, I figured I'd add a solution for a case I just ran across:

I had this issue using express with ejs templates - the issue was that I failed to close an ejs block, and the file was js code - something like this:

var url = '<%=getUrl("/some/url")'
/* lots more javascript that ejs tries to parse in memory apparently */

This is obviously a super specific case, OP's solution should be used the majority of the time. However, OP's solution would not work for this (ejs stack trace won't be surfaced by ofe).

I have to give huge props to Trevor Norris on this one for helping to modify node.js itself such that it would automatically generate a heap dump when this error happened.

Ultimately what solved this problem for me, though, was much more mundane. I wrote some simple code that appended the endpoint of each incoming API request to a log file. I waited to gather ~10 data points (crashes) and compared the endpoints which had been run 60sec before the crash. I found that in 9/10 cases, a single endpoint that had been hit just before the crash.

From there, it was just a matter of digging deeper into the code. I pared everything down -- returning less data from my mongoDB queries, passing only necessary data from an object back to the callback, etc. Now we've gone 6x longer than average without a single crash on any of the servers, leading me to hope that it is resolved... for now.

There is no single solution for this problem.
I read different cases, most of them related to JS, but in my case, for example, was just a broken jade template loop that was infinite because of a code bug.

I guess is just a syntax error that node doesn't manage well.
Check your code or post it to find the problem.

In my case I was deploying Rails 4.2.1 via cap production deploy (capistrano) and during the assets precompile received:

rake stdout: rake aborted! ExecJS::RuntimeError: FATAL ERROR: Evacuation Allocation failed - process out of memory (execjs):1

I had run a dozen data imports via active_admin earlier and it appears to have used up all the RAM

Solution: Server restart and deploy ran first time....

Could it be a recursion issue on an object you are serializing, that is just large to begin with, and runs out of memory before recursion becomes an issue?

I created the safe-clone-deep npm module for this reason... basically you'll want to do the following.

var clone = require('safe-clone-deep');
   return JSON.stringify(clone(originalObject));

This will allow you to clone pretty much any object that will then serialize safely. Also, if one of the objects inherits from Error it will serialize the inherited name, message and stack properties, since these don't typically serialize.