No option to boot into ubuntu after windows update

Solution 1:

Thank you for all.
I fixed my problem by boot-repair, here is a quick guide for those who are having similar problem:


  • Insert Ubuntu Media into your pc.
  • Shutdown your pc. Then turn it on again, Pressing Option Key (MacOS) F12, F11, DEL depending on your PC.
  • Select the Ubuntu media.
  • When PC boots, do try Ubuntu.
  • After you land into desktop, Press CTRL+ALT+T to open a terminal.
  • Now type the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install boot-repair
  • Now repair your GRUB.

After its repaired, Shutdown your PC, then the Ubuntu should boot, as usual. If not try making "ubuntu" default in BIOS settings. I cannot instruct this because it depends on your PC.