Install "Daedalus Wallet??"

Solution 1:

I assume that you have downloaded a file from

From a terminal, navigate to the folder that contains the downloaded file, e.g.:

$ cd ~/Downloads

Your download is an executable file, and so in principle you could install the program by entering the name of the file as a command. However, for security reasons, after downloading it doesn't have the "executable bit" on. So make it executable first:

$ chmod +x daedalus-4.2.1-mainnet-18759.bin

(Filename is what my downloaded file was called).

Then execute it:

$ ./daedalus-4.2.1-mainnet-18759.bin

That should do it. Mind that you can use auto-complete on long filenames such as these: type enough letters and press Tab.

$ ./daedTab

$ ./daedalus-4.2.1-mainnet-18759.bin