How do I make sure the driver for a TP-LINK tl-wn727n is loaded on boot?

Last week I bought this adpator and had trouble getting it to work. How do I get a TP-Link TN-WN727N usb wireless stick working? but thanks to some help got it running.

However the main issue now is that while the device works with the sudo modprobe -v rt2800usb, I'm having to input it every time I reboot the system. Is there anything I can do to make this work automatically after a reboot.

Solution 1:

See the last post here:

sudo modprobe -v rt2800usb

and the wireless worked immediately.

I then removed the blacklisted drivers (which I added earlier) from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Next I added rt2800usb to /etc/modules. Rebooted and my wireless starts up automatically.