What is a "REPL" in javascript? [closed]

Good information in the repl tag right here on Stack Overflow:

About read-eval-print-loop

A Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) is an interactive interpreter to a programming language. It originated with LISP systems, but many other languages (Python, Ruby, Haskell, Tcl, etc.) use REPL's to manage interactive sessions. They allow for simple experimentation with a language by bypassing the compile stage of the "code -> compile -> execute" cycle.

There are 4 components to a REPL (named in LISP notation):

  • A read function, which reads input from the keyboard
  • An eval function, which evaluates code passed to it
  • A print function, which formats and displays results
  • A loop function, which runs the three previous commands until termination

The first Google hit gives you the definition on Wikipedia: REPL stands for read–eval–print loop:

A read–eval–print loop (REPL) is a simple, interactive computer programming environment.

In short, it starts an interactive console where you can type in commands and immediately see the result of these commands.

If supported by language, REPL is a interactive way of code or command execution.
