How do I call a non-static method from a static method in C#?

I have the following code, I want to call data1() from data2(). Is this possible in C#? If so, how?

private void data1()
private static void data2()
   data1(); //generates error

Solution 1:

You'll need to create an instance of the class and invoke the method on it.

public class Foo
    public void Data1()

    public static void Data2()
         Foo foo = new Foo();

Solution 2:

Perhaps what you are looking for is the Singleton pattern?

public class Singleton
    private Singleton() {}

    public void DoWork()
        // do something

    // You can call this static method which calls the singleton instance method.
    public static void DoSomeWork()

    public static Singleton Instance
        get { return instance; } 

    private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();

You still have to create an instance of the class but you ensure there is only one instance.