How can I use custom fonts on a website? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You have to import the font in your stylesheet like this:

    font-family: "Thonburi-Bold";
    src: url('Thonburi-Bold.ttf'),
    url('Thonburi-Bold.eot'); /* IE */

Solution 2:

You can use CSS3 font-face or webfonts

@font-face usage

@font-face {
   font-family: Delicious; 
   src: url('Delicious-Roman.otf');


take a look at Google Webfonts,

Solution 3:

CSS lets you use custom fonts, downloadable fonts on your website. You can download the font of your preference, let’s say myfont.ttf, and upload it to your remote server where your blog or website is hosted.

@font-face {
    font-family: myfont;
    src: url('myfont.ttf');

Solution 4:

Yes, there is a way. Its called custom fonts in CSS.Your CSS needs to be modified, and you need to upload those fonts to your website.

The CSS required for this is:

@font-face {
     font-family: Thonburi-Bold;
     src: url('pathway/Thonburi-Bold.otf'); 