Internal NTFS drives not mounting RW

I am trying to move over from Win10 to Ubuntu (20.04 in this instance) so am beginning to work more in depth with Linux (have played a little with RPi's). I have internal SATA 2x1TB SSD's that are NTFS however when I try to access them I can only read them.

Searching online it says about install ntfs-3g to gain writeable access but that hasn't worked for me.

These are the settings I have been using: Mount Settings

I checked the permissions for the mount point and it says:

drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 49152 Jul 31 15:11 8442159642158DD4

Is it that the directory is owned by root causing the issues?

Not sure where to go from here, everything I have found online says more about having issues getting the drives to mount, I can do that I just can't write to them :D

Solution 1:

Based on the comments provided giving me some insight into how Windows says one thing and does another, my solution was to "make" Windows actually shutdown cleanly by telling it to reboot then shutting off the machine as it started up again.

I remember hearing somewhere that when you reboot Windows it actually clears everything and boots in a clean state (i.e. not waking up from hibernation).

After I was able to switch out the Windows drive for the Ubuntu one and now I can access the 2 NTFS drives with full RW privileges!

Thanks for the assistance :)