Copying files from the terminal with confirmation message before copying each file

Solution 1:

You could implement something with the find command's -ok predicate:

   -ok command ;
          Like  -exec but ask the user first.  If the user agrees, run the
          command.  Otherwise just return false.  If the command  is  run,
          its standard input is redirected from /dev/null.

So for example

$ find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name '*.jpg' -ok cp -t ../newdir {} \;
< cp ... ./aaa.jpg > ? y
< cp ... ./aaa-small.jpg > ? n
< cp ... ./bbb.jpg > ? n
< cp ... ./ccc-small.jpg > ? y
< cp ... ./ccc.jpg > ? y
< cp ... ./bbb-small.jpg > ? n

$ ls ../newdir
aaa.jpg  ccc.jpg  ccc-small.jpg