Find device by Hardware ID in Device Manager?
Solution 1:
There are websites, I've listed at the bottom, that archive H/W ID's so that COULD provide insight as well as an app. nirsoft DevManView & USBDeview can do this under a column called 'Instance ID'. Apparently USBDeview can show historical devices that are disconnected as well. I don't know nirsoft, his tools are just my go to :)
Solution 2:
I used a tool called Hardware Identify
. It lists all installed hardware devices on the computer and displays information about each device. You could check the device name by Hardware ID like this below:
Solution 3:
There is a nice little tool from Microsoft that lets you list all devices called Devcon (Device Console). In combination with Powershell it is quite easy to identify devices e.g.
devcon64.exe hwids * | Select-String "YOUR HARDWARE ID" -Context 5
Devcon is available as portable app on Chocolatey