What is the *real* package name of Librevault

Just installed Librevault file sharing program from Ubuntu Software and decided that I don't like it. Want to uninstall it completely.

But dpkg --list does not find 'librevault". Does anyone know the real name of this invasive program?

There is no dpkg package name for this. Because it's not installed as a package via the dpkg packaging system or the Ubuntu package repository. It's installed via snap, and dpkg is not aware of snaps.

Currently, the only way to install Librevault - a file sharing platform - via Ubuntu Software 'store' is via Snaps. And the Ubuntu Software application can install snaps as well as typical packages.

You need to remove the Librevault snap with sudo snap remove librevault.

If you installed librevault some other way, then however you installed it is going to define how you remove it.