What is the difference for TargetType="{x:Type Button}" and TargetType="Button"?

What is the difference for

TargetType="{x:Type Button}"



Solution 1:

The XAML designer applies inbuilt type converters that convert the string value "Button" to System.Type which is Button , which makes it seem like there is no practical difference.

However one should practise to use the explicit Type specification using x:Type.

Explicit Type specification is required is when we inherit Styles using BasedOn, there implicit string Type wont work.


This would work

 BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type Button}}"

But not this...

 BasedOn="{StaticResource Button}"

as here it would try to search a resource with Key "Button". But in the x:Type specification, as we already specified explicit Button Type the search of the static resource would be happen for the Style which is targetted for a Button.