Is there a hotkey to Search Wikipedia for "x"?

This is a question about keyboard shortcuts. I think it's quite cool that you can put a word into the spotlight and one of the options is to search Wikipedia for it, but to get that functionality takes a lot of typing or mouse movement. Is there a fast way to do it?

Example: CMD-Space opens the spotlight, I type tidal basin. About 30 files, most irrelevant appear, and at the bottom is the wikipedia search. I can use the mouse to click on it, or I can hit ctrl-n many times to get there and then return. Is there a faster way to do this?

In the default setup for Spotlight, Search Wikipedia is the second to last option, Spotlight Preferences being the last option. You could invoke Spotlight, press Fn + -> (or End if you have a full size keyboard with that key) then up and Enter.

Very little hand pivoting is necessary to accomplish this.